Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Last session with Mr Victor Tan

It's 28th November, the last session of MMT206 Music & Movements with Mr Victor Tan. He is one of the lecturer that I always look forward to his class. I have never absent from his class. He really gives a lot of ideas and advices in teaching early childhood education. Today's lesson was on During 3M Music Class. He was sharing about his experiences in teaching Spastic Cerebral Palsy children for 11 years. Well, his passionate in teaching really impress us and there are few words that I will always keep in my heart. "Special Needs Children are not totally impair, there is HOPE" I do totally agree with him, however, how many of us are ready to educate special needs children? How many of us are qualify to educate these children? It's not an easy job, but it's an achievable thing through sharp observation skills and needs to be analytical.

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